Monday, November 20, 2006

Traveling Fools...

Well...I've been told by a couple of people that I'm falling down on the "blogger" job so here goes to catch you up. Really, nothing much has been going on. What did we do the first Friday night Forrest/ we didn't have a game to coach? We tried to heal our sorrows by ordering pizza....he played computer games while I painted. Sounds like a fun and romantic night huh? Then, on Saturday morning, Forrest took his "certification test" to teach PE...well he then got on this whim..."Hey, let's go to Starkville for the last home game?" So with a 10 minute warning...I showered and packed like a crazy woman! Here's the catch...if we would have been 1 minute longer...we would have not made it to the "Coach's Ticket Gate" and gotten our FREE tickets before 1/2 time. God was certainly watching out for us! Although our Dawgs fought hard they fell to #5 Arkansas 28-14. Not a bad showing though....we didn't make it easy for the Razorbacks!
Here are a few snapshots of our trip...literally. Bella being a good car rider and showing us her "mean" face with her teeth exposed :) The new 1/2 time show that honored the Vets and current soliders (it was really good) *If you look close they spelled out "USA." and finally the "Pom Squad" ..."some things never change." Those are the same tops I remember Candace and I picking out of a magazine about 6 years ago. They still look good. And yes, I'd like to be down there again if I could...maybe minus the crop tops. :( I was really impressed with them and how cute their dances were. Go Dawgs! And thanks, as always, to my wonderful inlaws...who always give us a good home cooked meal and place to stay after the games in West Point.
Thanksgiving Disclaimer: Rest assured there will be more than enough pics to post very soon of our Thanksgiving holiday since we'll be headed to Memphis to see my precious niece, Abby...and the well as, back to West Point to see his fam some more...and then the MSU Holiday Bazaar is Nov. 27-28 so I'll stay there and do that. Fun Fun! Wish me luck at my first REAL show! Kinda nervous!


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