Thursday, August 24, 2006


Well, very quickly...I will update you on the job front. I have my Round #2 interview tomorrow at 10AM at the community college please pray for me if you remember. I think this job would be a great fit for me...not to mention it would help pay the bills. There were 30 applicants asked to come interview and now they have narrowed it down to 11 for 1 poisitions (advisor/ recruiter).
Also...Coach Williams has his first scrimmage tonight at 6PM...please pray for his sanity and a win. I'm really nervous for his first "showing." Although it's only a "scrimmage," there still has to be a winner and a loser. This picture is ours for the year for the program. I'm not too fond of it because Forrest's leg is covering both of mine...therefore I look BIG!

Monday, August 21, 2006


Well, I thought I'd blog about my sweet baby! Isn't she so pitiful? We knew that she had allergies in TX...but they would come and go...but then this weekend her eye "flared" so being the overprotective and sensitive mother I am...I sought out a new vet for her this morning in Athens. I was very apprehensive because I had no idea where to take her or any recommendations. I just looked in the phonebook. Well the 1st stop was not so was a hole in the wall and pretty "shady" so I didn't even bring Bella inside...I looked in and said "oh sorry wrong place." :( But I just drove down the Hwy and found this AMAZING vet...who took her in immediately....had this cool contraption to keep her still so she wouldn't be crazy dog and when I filled out the paperwork...they knew who we were just by our "names" on the application..."Oh is your husband..."the new coach?" So kinda fun they gave us special attention....but SUCH a have a great doctor for Bella. So the verdict was that she has FOOD ALLERGIES probably...just like her mama! You know what they say about how owners and pets are just alike. I really am convinced this is the case...since we can sympathize with one another and we can be sensitive to her food they said to give her Benadryl and watch her and they can even test her blood and see exactly what it is...just like they did to me!! I know I know I'm so attached to her it's kinda pathetic...but she is my baby for now. We need her to be healthy so she can have puppies in the near future :) GOD is the big and small things!
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Monday, August 14, 2006


Well hello again :) Where did I leave off? Here are our "roomies" until Christmas! The house they wanted to buy fell through so now they are building a custom home. I really believe that God worked all of this out perfectly for me to have a "friend" while adjusting to a new state, no job, no order for me not to be too lonely. Jody, is the blonde and mother of Morgan...teaches 3rd grade at Clements. Morgan started Kindgergarten last week at Clements. Michael is the other guy next to Forrest, friends since HS...and now coaching together as their careers take off. Sally is the black dog, that belongs to our well as Copper, not seen since he doens't get much lovin' in the backyard :( And here is my unfinished kitchen...that hopefully I'll get to tomorrow. It'll be red texture on the top with white beadboard on the bottom :) Lovely huh?
I really do enjoy the down time of not having a "full time/ over-time" job right now. I'm so grateful for the rest the Lord has provided...but please don't get me wrong I love my Baylor students and family :) and miss them dearly!! :(
So what do I do all day? is a typical day...get up usually when the "working crew" gets out the door
7AM and all head to Clements...I.....walk Bella, run w/ Copper, and walk Sally (if she's lucky)...try to make time for a long quiet time, empty the dishwasher, load the dishwasher, empty the trash, start a load of laundry, watch the View, fold clothes, unpack a box or 2...tidy up where needed...make 2 kettles of sweet tea (the house wine of the South), figure out what I can cook to help contribute to Jody's buffet for dinner :) She's a great cook and hates leftovers...write and mail thank you checking accounts, try to get an AL drivers license, grocery shop if need be, email friends and family far away, empty the trash, paint my canvases, watch Oprah, IM my BU co-workers :)...feed and water all of the dogs...change over our new address and direct deposits for cell phone, insurance, check on my car to see when it'll be out of the shop, and all other duties assigned by the head coach in order for me to be a great head coach's wife...:)
Job update: I did interview last week at a nearby community college. I think it went pretty well...there were 30 "finalists" that received an interview and we should know something by the end of the week. My prayer is ..if it's meant to be then the offer will be made, and if not then it's not meant to be. I'll keep you posted on any further news.
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Friday, August 11, 2006


Today is our 5th wedding anniversary! Don't think we have big plans...but since Forrest took the new job and school has now started..."big plans" would consist of getting to be together, alone and conscience, for more than 15 minutes (literally). So I think we may go to Huntsville tonight after "Family Football Pictures" and go see a movie, You, Me, and Dupree...which comes out today!
Have a great weekend all.
I love you Forrest...the best is yet to come!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Journey begins...onto Alabama!

Yes, we are alive and's just been a crazy few weeks trying to get up and running in Alabama!! Thought I'd show you some pictures of "the journey." I finally left Texas (as a resident) on July 22 (Saturday) with my dear friend, Kim, to start the 10 hour journey which turned into a 14 hour journey to West Point, MS (to my in-laws farm) for a pit stop for the night before heading to Athens, AL...but along the way we had a slight accident (my first and hopefully my last). It was raining, dark, and we were on a rural highway in MS. No one was hurt (Praise the Lord) but it was definately scary! Bella was a tough girl too, as you can see from the picture, she managed to wiggle her way into the front seat a couple of times to check out the view. The car accident definately made me aware of what a pain it is to talk wtih insurance people, auto shops, etc. After Kim and I arrived with Bella to my new home, we were off the next day to Gulf Shores, AL for a "little" retreat to the beach. We stayed at this charming B&B, The Beach House. I believe Southern Living listed it as a Top 10 B&B in the nation. This is a picture of Kim and I at the Huntsville airport as we "finally" said goodbye "for now."

We then headed back to my house to get back to the grind of "renovation." :) And if you want to see more pictures of the "updates" to our here for "BEFORE & AFTER PICTURES." It has definately come a LONG way...and the "textured tiled" backsplash is the one project I'm most proud of thus far. Isn't it cool? My neighbor told me how to do was easy and CHEAP. Doesn't it look like real tile? Its just sheet rock joint compound and paint! Before this it was textured wallpaper and paneling :(

This was my first "full" week at our new home. Forrest had in-service all week at his school and his 1st day of class was yesterday, Friday!! Can you believe it? So early it seems like. Anyway, I am not working for awhile :) and enjoying being a "full time homemaker, coach's wife, dog mom, and babysitter!" We have another coach and his family (wife and 5 year old daughter, Morgan) living with us in our home...along with their 2 dogs [Copper & Sally] until they find a home of their own. Forrest had to fill a last minute coaching spot on his staff and within a week (literally) the Browns were here and living with us. Forrest and Michael were HS buddies in West Point, MS and God opened up a door for them to sell their house, and provided 2 teaching jobs for Michael and his wife! Morgan, the 5 year old, will start kindgergarten on Tuesday, but for this week I've been champion babysitter :) On top of all of that, Forrest's sister, Ginger, and her kids came to help "renovate" for a couple of days. So at one time we had 8 people and 3 dogs here (ahhh). In the below picture are our new "roommates" :) Michael, Jody, along with his "visiting" sister, Ginger. Like our furniture? :)

That is all for now...Forrest's Athletic Association is having a fundraiser, the Annual Rodeo, that we will be helping with fun is that? They have bulls and everything. Debating on if I should whip out my TX cowboy hat that Katie gave me and my green, suede cowboy boots :) What do you think?

Thanks for visiting the new blog...I'll try to do better with daily postings...and you do the same :) PS- Don't worry about Bella...she's getting PLENTY of lovin'.

ON THE EJ job front...I have an interview on August 10, Thursday, for an advisor/recruiter position at a nearby community college, please pray for that if you can remember. Also, I have an application to be a substitute teacher if I want a little more laid back schedule to work in with my ambitious painting career :) Wish me luck!