Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A favorite Show....

Ok so here's my confession...I WATCH 'TEXAS CHEER MOMS!' Ok there it's out! Are you happy? Well, really there's nothing to be ashamed about. If you haven't seen the show you really need to tune in on Monday nights from 6-7PM on TLC. Here's the deal...the show is a reality TV show about Texas HS cheerldeading...but here's the catch...it was filmed last year in Waco when we still lived there! So all the little extra clips and such have very familiar restaurants and signs, roads, malls, etc...that we used to be 'our life.' Our church was briefly on one episode. :) I also know the coach and at one point we sat down to see the potentials of him taking my position as the All Girl Cheer Coach @ BU. Needless to say, he's still at Midway HS...doing his thing. But that is why I watch...because it was filmed in Waco and I know the coach...end of story. I will say the film crew did a VERY GOOD job of making me miss Waco :( I love you Waco! PS- If you are a watcher...you better let me know in the comments section. I make Forrest watch it with me sometimes, and he could not believe all of the drama that went on. I said well honey..."Welcome to the last 5 years of my life...where have you been?" I told him it's WAYYYYY different for football coaches vs. cheerleading coaches. The good thing is....I think he NOW truly appreciates the daily in's and out's of my 'calling' [aka: job] the past 5 years of my life. Stay Tuned! PS- Click on the red link at the top; then click on 'Take a Sneak Peek' to watch the show's intro...it'll get you hooked :)


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