Onto Friday, I had many 'mom to be' moments with my best friend Colleen and her daughter Lucy, as well as, Kelly and her two kids....Sarah and Drew. We had an early playdate at the Collierville park. It was BEAUTIFUL weather and lots of 'stay at home' moms where there with their kiddos. I had a great time with my friends and their precious children and definitely know an activity that my children will get to know time at the park! :) This is Colleen's adorable little girl, Lucy, we both had on brown gauchos that day so of course we had to take a picture. Isn't she a doll?
I later had the privilege of picking up my PRECIOUS niece, Abby, at preschool at GBC...she was so excited to see me there. We later had a great late afternoon of drawing and playing 'restaurant.' Later that night, she came over to 'sleepover' at my parents on Saturday morning we had 'lazy' time and enjoyed a good 'ole Southern morning of breakfast, watching the horses, and shopping :) She is the smartest 2 1/2 year old I know. She talks so grown up...already potty trained...knows all of her colors, alphabet, and stores to shop at. :) This isn't the greatest picture of her but I wanted to include her since she lights up my life. My twin brother and wife are expecting a boy in May, so Abby won't be an only child for much longer!!
PS- On the job front, Forrest's interview at Grenada HS (Mississippi) went well on Friday morning...not sure when we'll here something but they want to name the new HC by April 10. Please pray for our patience and faith in our great God. Have a great week all.
On the pregnancy front, I'm feeling great....except the tiredness that is to be expected and now this nasty cold. I go for my next ultrasound on Thursday. So please be praying for that. I am just praying to see a healthy heartbeat. This waiting game can really make you anxious and nervous. But I know God is in control and it's my job to FAITH HIM. 2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we live by FAITH and not be sight." As our pastor hit on this verse yesterday....I think the entire 9 months of pregnancy is one of the biggest tests of faith a woman/ a couple can have. I mean think about it. Your hope and dreams are out of your control and you just have to faith God each day, each minute, each month that He is 'knitting' your child, your miracle He's given you to be healthy and in your arms in 9 months or less...without you SEEING anything for that long time period. Quite amazing the whole thing! After my doctor's appt., we are headed to Memphis for the weekend. Forrest has an 'informal' interview with Grenada HS (5A) in Mississippi for a possible head coaching job. Grenada is about an hour south of Memphis and Jackson, MS right? So we are excited about that possibility. So please pray for that whole thing if it's where we are supposed to be....and also that I'd get over this cold so I can see my niece and sister-n-law this weekend. Abby is 2 and Amanda is 7 mos. of course germs are not allowed in their house!
Have a great week all. Oh, here is a fun blogspot of a friend of a friend (I hope they don't mind me sharing it) but I know how we all love to visit other blogs that we don't even know the people :) They live in Arlington, TX. We are about the same amount of weeks along but instead of 1...she's got 4!! She too had infertility issues and was on Clomid one month--and wham--the blessings of quads!