Monday, March 05, 2007


Forgive my lapse in the blog world...I have been reading everyone else's but seem to not have the 'energy' or 'drive' to update my own :( Forgive me! Well, let's see what's happened since we were in TX! Forrest's family came into town this weekend. What a treat because we got to have fun 'fam' times, as well as, get alot done on our house 'projects' so we can hopefully put our house up for sale very soon. They were such a BIG help with our kitchen. This is Forrest's sister, Ginger, not sure what she is doing 'finger painting'. It's gone from maroon textured wallpaper to red painted texture to beige texture today. We decided to paint over the red to appeal to 'the masses' of potential homebuyers. I think it looks great. Forrest and his dad put up the fancy chair rail. I'm glad they are getting practice in b/c I want that for the 'nursery' in our future home(s). Other events of the weekend that are a treat for people that live in small town like his sister and parents...eating Papa Johns pizza, going to a drive-in movie, eating at Dreamland BBQ, and shopping at the mall. Needless to say, I was one tired chick when all was said and done and now I'm paying for it with a nasty cold.

So that's a whole blog topic in itself...GETTING A COLD WHEN YOU'RE PREGNANT! It could be worse I know and am thankful I don't have a sore throat. I am also VERY thankful I can stay at home and rest all I want. What a blessing! I have the stuffy nose, cough, sinus stuff, chest congestion. So I want to hear opinions from all the moms and moms to be out there of what you did, what meds you took while pregnant and sick? There are so many opinions out there but my OB nurse told me today that Tylenol Sinus was fine, as well as, I'm praying those work for me because I don't want to be on them very long.
Last but certaintly not least, we had bad weather last week....tornado watches/ warnings, etc...even in tragic deaths of several high students in south Alabama, Enterprise HS. Such a sad story for this high school and community. Please remember them in your prayers. I'm sure you've seen them on TV. We were blessed that the tornado did not take our path. On a much lighter note, Bella enjoyed the rain and MUD. She's a dog and dogs will be dogs. So she found the biggest mud puddle in our backyard and bathed in it! Uggghhh can you not laugh at this sweet face? Forrest was a little miffed b/c we knew the 'chore' of giving her a bath that was to come. The pictures do not do her justice. She's a mess!

On the pregnancy front, I'm feeling great....except the tiredness that is to be expected and now this nasty cold. I go for my next ultrasound on Thursday. So please be praying for that. I am just praying to see a healthy heartbeat. This waiting game can really make you anxious and nervous. But I know God is in control and it's my job to FAITH HIM. 2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we live by FAITH and not be sight." As our pastor hit on this verse yesterday....I think the entire 9 months of pregnancy is one of the biggest tests of faith a woman/ a couple can have. I mean think about it. Your hope and dreams are out of your control and you just have to faith God each day, each minute, each month that He is 'knitting' your child, your miracle He's given you to be healthy and in your arms in 9 months or less...without you SEEING anything for that long time period. Quite amazing the whole thing! After my doctor's appt., we are headed to Memphis for the weekend. Forrest has an 'informal' interview with Grenada HS (5A) in Mississippi for a possible head coaching job. Grenada is about an hour south of Memphis and Jackson, MS right? So we are excited about that possibility. So please pray for that whole thing if it's where we are supposed to be....and also that I'd get over this cold so I can see my niece and sister-n-law this weekend. Abby is 2 and Amanda is 7 mos. of course germs are not allowed in their house!

Have a great week all. Oh, here is a fun blogspot of a friend of a friend (I hope they don't mind me sharing it) but I know how we all love to visit other blogs that we don't even know the people :) They live in Arlington, TX. We are about the same amount of weeks along but instead of 1...she's got 4!! She too had infertility issues and was on Clomid one month--and wham--the blessings of quads!


Blogger The Segrest Family said...

glad you are 'back'!!! as far as the cold, i had one pretty much my whole pregnancy- stopped up nose, etc. - and i know alot of others with the same problem. and any tylenol product is fine (might not work that well, but is safe) my suggestion is to do what you doc says and not the books or others---i would recommend to also listen to your pediatritian when the baby comes b/c everyone will have their story or opinion! and grenada is only 2 hours north of jackson! and one hour south of memphis! right on I-55! good luck! back to the cold. the things that were immediate relief from pregnancy right when camp was born were:
a) my feet were skinny again (although they did grow a whole size!)
b) i didn't have the stopped up nose anymore!
c)i didn't have to go to the bathroom 5 times every 30 minutes!

8:53 PM  
Blogger The Manning Family said...

I, too, had some sinus/cold issues when I was pregnant with our twins. I agree with MK, do whatever you doctor recommends. I was scared to death about taking ANYTHING during my first pregnancy, and I 'suffered' from normal stuff that I usually could have taken care of very easily. Second time around, my new doctor gave me a list of things that were safe to take. He obviously knows more than I, so I just followed his advice. You can't go wrong doing what your doc says, too! Good luck with the Grenada situation and I can't wait for the doctor's update!!!!!
--Brooke :)

6:53 AM  
Blogger Jason & Meg said...

Hi. I linked to your blog from Jenny Holloway, thanks for the headache info.
I wanted to let you know that I had a cold a few weeks ago and called my doctor about the meds and she told me not to take the "New" Tylenol cold b/c their ingredients have changed and they had not checked them out yet but the old tylenol cold (behind the counter, w/ sudefed) was fine to take. It actually made me really nervous and I chose to take nothing and it eventually passed. I am a little stubborn when it comes to taking medicines. My best advice is to listen to your doctor and do what he/she says.
Anyway, good luck with your pregnancy, mine has been sickness or anything...I actually wouldn't believe I was pregnant if not for that amazing heartbeat. Have fun when you hear it. Take a tape recorder, so you can listen to it all the time. I love getting to hear it at my appointments.

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am one of those people who just stumbles upon blogs. I am from G'town too though so I'm not sure how I got here. Anyways, I also am struggling with infetility and would love to email you and "chat" about what you went through. It is so hard and some days you just feel so alone.

Congrats on your pregnancy! I can only imagine how excited you are!

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I should tell you my email address!

1:00 PM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

"I think the entire 9 months of pregnancy is one of the biggest tests of faith a woman/ a couple can have."...oh man, i COMPLETELY agree! now, more than ever!! without a doubt! i will be praying for you and your pregnancy! i am 9 weeks today! so we aren't far apart! (i'll be delivering a LOT earlier than 9 months though!) ;)

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tylenol Sinus did the trick for me while pregnant.
Make sure to take hot steamy showers too. The steam will help open your head up.

7:19 AM  

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