Well...I have been waiting to write this post when I had 'enough' time to write it...so why not during the Superbowl? Yes, I love football...but it seems to not be so important right now. As many of you know...Forrest was notified on Wednesday afternoon that he was 'no longer needed' as the Athletic Director & Head Coach at his high school. As you can read in the articles below...he was given NO reasons, NO whys, NO incidents, NOTHING....just told 'we are going in a different direction.' I think this dad who wrote the Sunday article says it best
..."Was it for taking the team to the 3A state playoffs for the first time in 15 years, or for winning four games after moving up from 2A to 3A, or for moving all the way from Texas to coach a team that he unknowingly thought was more important than trying to figure out which alumni have the highest stature and not stepping on their toes?"
So he's been in the newspaper 3 straight days....
FRIDAY'S article,
SATURDAY'S article, &
SUNDAY'S article. Be sure to scroll down to on Sunday's article written by Keith Smith (a football parent). We are still in the 'can this really be happening to us' mode. Forrest stays on the phone a majority of the night these days talking to 'dads' that are just shocked this is happening...and giving their best wishes. But I guess as every day passes it will become more real. We took a quick road trip to his parents in West Point Saturday-Sunday to 'get away' but then spent several hours on the phone with parents. So it seemed to follow us. We are so appreciative of the love and support we have from the parents, community, and seems what to be the 'majority' of the community/ school...but maybe not the 'loudest'...(yet). Too bad this strong support is a little too late for us. We have now found out it's about 5 people in the community that are not Coach W 'fans'....and still seem to be campaigning to get the 'unhappy' player parents on 'their' side. Evidently, there are more
'Team Williams' fans than they had thought! :) We are honestly trying to stay out of it. Our 'soon to be' pastor came over to pray with us on Wednesday night and said something that is so true and is replaying over and over in my head.
"You have each other and you have a Sovreign God and that's all you need." Tuesday night will be a tough one for us. It is 'Senior Night' for our basketball teams...so everyone will be there and so will we. Please pray for those interactions and that night.
Other things to please pray for:
- Forrest's interaction with the other faculty, staff, coaches, players, parents for the rest of the year
- Forrest's search for another job somewhere in the South
- My job search here to have at least a part time job for the next couple of months to help us out financially
- To sell our house at the perfect time so we won't lose any $ but Lord willing...make $ to cover moving expenses
- That we would have strength and self-control to leave with class and integrity and not say anything that our 'flesh' might want to say to a select few; that we would not be sarcastic that we would 'finish the job' as Christ would want us to and that all would see Jesus in us through this difficult time and He would get the glory for it all
I picked this picture because it was taken Forrest's FIRST year of coaching. Honestly, all of the other pictures from this year really made me sick to my stomach. I think back of what a 'great life' with 2 great jobs, loyal friends, and a great church body....all that we left behind to be here...and now it ends like this? But I do have to remind myself we met some great people, families, players here...and got to see both of our families A LOT more! We truly believe God "called" us to Alabama for certain purposes....those of which we may never know this side of heaven...and as I'm studying in Romans..."who are we to question God?" He works ALL things out for good for those whole love Him and have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). I leave you with this truth from God's word that we found this weekend to help us through all of this... Thanks everyone! We love you!
Proverbs 10:9 He who walks in integrity walks securely, but he who walks the crooked path will be found out.
1 Peter 2:15 For it is God's will that by doing right you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.